Tag: 3d-puzzle

Demolo review update

Well Demolo is currently being reviewed by Oculus, so that’s certainly forward progress. I’m hoping to release on Oct 31 but don’t know if that’s feasible. Shortly after last month’s update I submitted Demolo to their store for review, and it’s still not ready to release, so that’s very frustrating. Admittedly the hold up was not entirely on their end (more on that in a bit) but quite a bit of this time has been their normal review time, which is just crazy to me.

UPDATE 😀 Email I just got from Oculus:  review is completed and we should be ready for release on 10/31/2018.

At least here’s a pre-release video review, so that you can see the game in action running on Oculus Go:

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Woohoo, about to submit!

Man, there was a lot more to do than expected to prepare Demolo’s submission to the Oculus Store. However I’ve prepared the mass of promotional images and videos they need, so I’ll submit the game very soon, possibly this weekend.

Indeed, I probably could have submitted it the day after I finished the trailer, except I had to pause to put together my GDEX presentation. I’m going to be delivering a talk there this weekend!

Continue reading “Woohoo, about to submit!”

Demolo is playable on Oculus Go!

As laid out last month, there are 3 main tasks in order to port Demolo from the web build to work on Oculus Go: HMD controls, adjusting the UI, and replacing mouse with tracked controller. Well, I’ve done all three, so all the main tasks are done!

Now there’s just assorted polishing left to do (mostly glitches in the UI) and then submitting Demolo to the Oculus app store. I haven’t done a ton of research on their submission process, so I have no idea how long it takes (eg. is there a review period like iOS apps?) Aside from the unknown submission time, I estimate another week and Demolo will be released on Oculus Go!

I will of course be posting another blog update with a link to the live app.

Continue reading “Demolo is playable on Oculus Go!”

Introducing Demolo

So the 3D puzzle game I discussed last month is nearly ready to release on Oculus Go. I’ve made all kinds of changes based on player feedback to the WebGL build I put on itch. I’ve done lots of graphics tweaks, but the most important change has been replacing the timer with an energy system, both making the increasing challenge more visceral but also incentivizing chains (by awarding bonus energy).

So this weekend I finally came up with a name: Demolo


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